You’ve done it, you’ve made the decision to sell up and move home. This wasn’t an easy decision, it took a lot of consideration and weighing up of pros and cons. Maybe it was because you wanted to be nearer to loved ones, get into that all important school attachment area, or perhaps you’re starting a new chapter in your life. Whatever the answer may be, it is now time to get the process started with a critical initial question – how much is my house actually worth?

Getting your house valued and knowing the worth of your assets is an important step for any homeowner regardless of if you are looking to sell. With a constantly changing market and property landscape, having an idea of how much allowance you have to invest into your next home is a necessary step.

What method to choose?

Online valuation tools are handy to get a rough estimate on your property price, however these are an approximate and aren’t an accurate reflection. An estate agent is often the preferred method of obtaining a valuation as it comes with more benefits than an online valuation can provide. Estate agents have a wealth of knowledge on the local markets so will be able to give an accurate judgement based on more than just the square footage of the property.

Do some research into your local agents and arrange for an appointment from a few.  Most of the time a valuation will be free but it is always best to check with each independent firm beforehand.

What is a Valuer?

On the surface, a valuer is the name given to the person that will come and look around your home and estimate the value of your property. When we look deeper, valuers are industry experts when it comes to knowing the local area trends and changes in market fluctuation.  A lot of time and effort goes into a valuers day for them to make sure they are up to date with recent events to aid their market sense; keeping an eye on property trends and monitoring recent & historical sale prices. Ultimately this all helps them to benefit clients as it ensures they are getting the best service from a valuer and the best odds of securing a sale on their property.

Before the visit

Before the valuation, it is important to make sure your home is in a presentable state. You are looking to showcase the best features of your property and making sure these are easy to access and clean for the valuer is essential. For example, make sure the area leading up to the property is neat and any obstructing foliage trimmed back. Internally, give your house a good clean beforehand and put any clutter away. Not only is doing the above handy to help show your home in the best light, it is also courteous to think of the valuer visiting and accommodating them whilst on the job.

During the valuation

A valuer will arrive at your property at your agreed appointment time and assess the condition of your home. They will take note of the number of rooms, amenities and location of the property. Additionally, some the factors that can influence the valuation are:

  1. Any small works completed and where they were done e.g. a conservatory or garden room.
  2. Any large alterations e.g. an extension or loft conversion. For these the valuer will need to know if you have the building regulation paperwork and when the re-wire was done
  3. The age of the boiler, windows, kitchen white goods & bathroom features.


Once your valuer has looked around the property and chatted to you regarding specific details, they will also discuss the current market trends within your area and how this will affect your valuation. This is an important factor as whilst every property is unique, it is handy to consider what other properties have sold for as it can inform an average selling price for a certain location or postal area. Your valuer will also have a chat with you regarding your expectations or hopes for the sale price (especially if you have an onwards purchase) and take into account your feedback.

02/07/24 selling, valuation, home owner, property
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